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IP65 Power Cable Management with PowerStream 4 IP
Posted on April 27, 2023
Whatever the weather brings, PowerStream 4 IP has got you covered, safely distributing available power wherever and whenever you need it.
The original PowerStream 4 provided a practical powerCON-compatible solution for using your circuit power more efficiently on your rigs. With the arrival of PowerStream 4 IP, you now have all the benefits of power-splitting plus an IP65-rated design that takes advantage of the complete interchangeability of PowerKon and TRUE1 style IP65 connectors.
As we know, these 20A locking mains connectors are designed with breaking capacity, in order to connect under load or live. Hot plugging into PowerStream 4 IP is no problem and gives you safe and immediate access to power in the rig.
Let’s do a quick run through the other benefits of this useful device:
Rigging: The main benefit of deploying PowerStream 4 IP in the main power feed is that it helps reduce the need for additional cables, but its design also makes rigging a breeze. PowerStream 4 IP was designed with production rental houses in mind and comes with multiple rigging options for hanging in your rig. Easily clamp mount to truss with its M12 threaded insert and safely secure by attaching safety cable to its built-in rail.
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